Shadab Hussain

Shadab Hussain Shaikh

معلومات شخصية

السن : 35 سنه

الهاتف : xxxxxxxxxx

سنين الخبره : 7

الدولة : غير معروف

الراتب الحالى : مخفي بناء علي الطلب

الحالة : متفرغ حاليا

المهارات الاساسية

انجليزي : اساسيات

اوفيس : اساسيات

حاسب :اساسيات

مرحبا !

Hello, I hope you are doing well. I am from Mumbai, India, and I am currently seeking a job that will make use of my 7 years of experience as a driver or my 6 years of experience as a supervisor with a cargo company. I am looking for a position related to my previous work experience. Additionally, I have significant additional experience, which you will find in the attached CV. I would greatly appreciate it if you could review my resume and inform me if there is a suitable job opportunity available. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration..


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    10th pass