
Rahma Abdalkareem

Social Media marketing
معلومات شخصية

السن : 22 سنه

الهاتف : xxxxxxxxxx

سنين الخبره : 3

الدولة : مصر

الراتب الحالى : مخفي بناء علي الطلب

الحالة : متفرغ حاليا

المهارات الاساسية

انجليزي : جيد

اوفيس : جيد جدا

حاسب :جيد جدا

مرحبا !

Able to conduct research and study the  target audience and current trends, create content that attracts the attention of the audience and increase the rate of interaction on communication platforms, design follow-up publications that stimulate follow-up and create content that draws attention to new products for the organization, provide reports on website traffic and monitor and control SEO Continuous updating with changes in all social media platforms to ensure maximum benefit, training staff and colleagues on using social media in a way that benefits the brand, facilitating online conversation processes with customers and the target audience and responding to various inquiries..


  • Marketing
    Dawar Application
  • Sales
    Entre Act
  • Social Media
    Vemo store
  • Secretarial
    Oxford Centre
  • Supervisor
    Alhayat Centre
  • Volunteer
    Service of society


  • *
    Bachelor of arts