OHOUD A AlMushaity

معلومات شخصية

السن : 22 سنه

الهاتف : xxxxxxxxxx

سنين الخبره : 1

الدولة : السعودية

الراتب الحالى : 2500-3000

الحالة : متفرغ حاليا

المهارات الاساسية

انجليزي : اساسيات

اوفيس : اساسيات

حاسب :اساسيات

مرحبا !

High school graduate I work hard and ambitious Able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis, I use the innovative approach to problem solving Reliable time management person, always active and eager to learn new skills Adaptable for individual or team work, flexible on my time, able to work in the evening and on the weekend I am honest and trustworthy, I often come up with new creative ideas I believe that the future is more beautiful and opportunities are we who create them..



  • *
    High School