Ahmed Abdelaziz

Ahmed Abdelaziz Mater

Production Mechanical Engineer
معلومات شخصية

السن : 34 سنه

الهاتف : xxxxxxxxxx

سنين الخبره : 2

الدولة : مصر

الراتب الحالى : مخفي بناء علي الطلب

الحالة : متفرغ حاليا

المهارات الاساسية

انجليزي : جيد

اوفيس : جيد جدا

حاسب :جيد جدا

مرحبا !

Dear Mr./Mrs. My name is Ahmed Abdelaziz Mater. I am production mechanical engineer graduated from Helwan university. I had summer internship in Baker Hughes oil and gas company. After graduation I joined to Egyptian army for one year and two months. For my experience: I work in Elif for flexible packaging in Egypt as production engineer for one year. I work in baker Hughes company in Saudi Arabia as field service engineer MWD/LWD for 6 months but I resign because of family circumstances. I work in Cellopack company for flexible packaging as planning engineer I resign in training period because I found it not related to my education (production mechanical engineering I work in target oil and gas services as field service engineer Gyro wireline for 6 months (part time). Best Regards, Ahmed Mater.


  • -production mechanical engineer


  • *
    bachelor degree of production mechanical engineering