
Fady Hesham

Electrical power engineer
معلومات شخصية

السن : 23 سنه

الهاتف : xxxxxxxxxx

سنين الخبره : 1

الدولة : مصر

الراتب الحالى : مخفي بناء علي الطلب

الحالة : متفرغ حاليا

المهارات الاساسية

انجليزي : جيد جدا

اوفيس : جيد جدا

حاسب :جيد جدا

مرحبا !

I am an Electrical Power and Machines Engineer with wide knowledge in distribution, as I have experience in Load Estimation, Designing Power, lighting, and low current system design. I also know about solar power energy and using some related programs such as SketchUp, and PVsyst. I have a strong understanding of electrical principles and how to apply them in the design and operation of electrical systems. Also, I deal with a variety of software programs, such as AutoCAD, Dialux EVO, ETAB, and all Microsoft applications..


  • Electrical design engineer
    Horizons: Architects and Engineers


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    مؤهل عالي الى